Wow, I can't believe I'm in my second week already! The course is speeding by, as well as my time in Chile. I'm going to try my hardest to see everything, but I already know I need to come back two or three more times to see half the things I wanted to in Chile. A month is definitely not long enough!!!!!
Week #1 has been exciting and exhausting all at the same time. After recovering from the weekend jet lag, I walked into Bridge ready to learn. I actually expected to know a lot of the techniques for teaching EFL (or ESL in the States) but I've learned so much and gotten so much more out of this course than I ever would have anticipated. I've definitely changed some of my perspectives on how hard it is to be a teacher and, more importantly, how much harder it is to be a student learning a foreign language (especially English!!!)
I'm learning so much and this IDELT course has made me realize just how much I love imparting my knowledge on to others. I walk in to Bridge every day excited and challenged. It's not like most university classes at all...I actually want to come to class because I know it's helping me towards a career (more on that coming soon!!) Coming to Chile has made me realize just how much I want to be a teacher.
Catita, ¡este sona maravillosamente! Ayer Reynolds y nosotros XC esquiamos en Anderson Mesa...el sol fue brillante y la nieve muy profunda. Hoy nos duelen las piernas un poco, pero no es demasiado malo. ¡Esperamos que tu semana pase bien! Te amamos,
Sí, me encanta este curso...hay muchas cosas diferentes para uso en las clases de The Literacy Center. El hombre de la institución en Costa Rica me escribió y él dice que Idiomas Mundiales alquila todos los meses. :D Es una posibilidad que me mueva a Costa Rica...también hay otra oportunidad en Antigua, Guatemala.
DeleteQuieren Uds. hablar este fin de semana?
¡Te aman Uds!