
Costa Rican despedida/Back in the U.S.A. (Part 1)

My contract with Maximo was up at the end of July.  I was sad leaving the great staff and friends I had made along the way, as well as my students.  Thank goodness for social media so I could keep in touch with all of them! As sad as I was to leave, I had made up my mind to come back in September for at least a few months.  I had a potential job lined up, but it wasn't a for sure thing when I left Costa Rica.  Two other girls from Maximo were leaving too, so we had a little goodbye party or "despedida".

Home was great.  It was so great to see all my friends and of course, my parents.  It had been 8 months, and being in the comforts of home again was refreshing. 

I had been a little down my last month of teaching, I think mostly due to burnout.  It's great to know that when I need to and when I can, I can go home again and clear my head...one of the best (and worst) things about Flagstaff is that nothing changes.  This is especially great if you've moved away.

The first week I did experience some culture shock.  This was to be expected, and I think the altitude that I knew for 24 years and loved was the most shocking part.  I was so tired the first couple of days, I didn't really want to do anything, but I got back to my old self just in time to go to one of my absolute favorite places Challis, Idaho for the annual Braun Brothers Reunion Festival.  It arguably beats Disneyland for the happiest place on Earth.

Dad and I got to hang out with our friends, The Departed, and see our old friends Gunda, Jerald, Jenny, Jared, Josh, and some of their friends and enjoy the best music not heard on the radio.  My favorites included:

Todd Snider backed by The Departed,

Wade Bowen,
and Randy Rogers Band!

I love this festival...knowing I might have to miss it next year is going to suck, because it's the best out there right now!

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