
Chilean phrases/slang

Some of these are awesome! They're taken from the book Gringo's Culture Guide to Chile.

¡Adónde la viste!
Literally: Where'd you see that?
Implied meaning: No way!, yeah right! (No te creo)
Al tiro
Literally: Upon throwing
Implied meaning: Immediately (ahora mismo)
Literally: marmalade
Implied meaning: a stupid person (una persona tonta)
Implied Meaning: Ultra cool (muy bueno)
¡Buena onda!
Literally: Good wave!
Implied meaning: Cool, great (un buen tipo de persona)
(no) cacha ni uno
Literally: He doesn't catch a single thing
Implied meaning: He doesn't understand a thing (no entender nada)
Literally: catch?
Implied Meaning: Do you understand? (¿comprendes?)
Implied meaning: good at something, smart, cool (un buen tipo de persona)
cara de palo
Literally: stick face
Implied meaning: boldly, frankly (ser franco)
¡Chao pescado!
Literally: bye fish
Implied meaning: See you later, alligator (Hasta luego)
Literally: crooked
Implied meaning: a person who doesn't follow the rules, liar (uno que no sigue reglas, mentiroso)
Literally: question, matter
Implied meaning: thing, matter (cosa)
dejar la escoba
Literally: To leave the broom.
Implied meaning: to cause a mess or disaster (causar un disastre, dejar todo desorganizado)
echate al pollo
Liteally: throw it to the chicken
Implied meaning: get out of here!
Implied meaning: good looking, cool (ser bonito(a))
¡(no) estoy ni ahí!
Literally: I'm not even there.
Implied meaning: I don't care! (no le importa a uno)
Implied meaning: dumb, boring, refers to something that you don't like (tonto, aburrido, algo que no te gusta)
Literally: a shrimp
Implied meaning: refers to the foot, or a 100 peso coin (el pie, o una moneda de 100 pesos)
Literally: baby, infant
Implied meaning: a baby (un bebé)
Implied meaning: many, a lot (mucho)
Implied meaning: teenager, young person (un joven)
Implied meaning: 1000 peso bill (un billete de mil pesos)
Literally: 'mal' in Spanish means bad
Implied meaning: mischievious (malicioso)
Literally: middle, medium
Implied meaning: very big (bien grande)
Literally: little monkeys
Implied meaning: cartoons (dibujos animados)
pata de vaca (said "pate vaca")
Literally: foot of a cow
Implied meaning: to act badly or to have bad intentions
pato malo
Literally: bad duck
Implied meaning: bad boy, hoodlum (chico malo)
Literally: hit
Implied meaning: work, job
pegar en la pera
Literally: hit the chin
Implied meaning: to mooch, to eat and socialize (conseguir comida gratis)
Literally: heavy
Implied meaning: mean, rude, bothersome (rudo, molestoso)
pescar + "algo"
Literally: to fish + something
Implied meaning: to pay attention to, to notice (darse cuenta de algo, fijarse)
pintar el mono
Literally: paint monkey
Implied meaning: to goof off (dejar las responsibilidades y jugar todo el tiempo)
Implied meaning: to be dating, have a boyfriend or girlfriend (tener novio, pero no significa que se van a casar)
Implied meaning: disappointment when something didn't go your way
Implied meaning: cool, as in a person (ser un buen chico)
¡Que choro!
Implied meaning: entertaining, worthy of attention
sacar la mugre
Literally: To take off, or out, the filth
Implied meaning: to beat up (pelear y ganar)
(no) salvar a nadie
Literally: To not save anyone.
Implied meaning: to be worthless, useless (ser de ningún valor)
Literally: 'sapo' is spanish for toad
Implied meaning: to be nosy, eavesdrop (escuchar secretamente a otros)
se cree la muerte
Literally: you think you're death
Implied meaning: you think you are better than everyone else (se cree mejor que todos)
tener el diente largo
Literally: To have a long tooth
Implied meaning: To be very hungry, so hungry I could eat a horse... (tener mucho hambre)
tirar un chancho
Literally: to throw a pig
Implied meaning: to belch, to burp (eructar)
(hacer) tuto
Literally: to make 'tuto'
Implied meaning: to sleep, take a nap (tomar una siesta o dormir)
Implied meaning #1: To be an idiot
Example: ¡Oye que eres weón!
Implied meaning #2: Something you'd call a friend

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